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My Hunkemoller Account

What is My Hunkemöller?

Currently you cannot create an account for the My Hunkemöller loyalty program. This program is not applicable for this website. You can create a regular account on the Hunkemöller website. To create an account, you click on the bar in the top at 'log in' to go to the registration page. Do you not yet have an account? Under the header 'I am new' please fill in all the requested fields and accept the conditions. Pay attention: you will receive an e-mail to confirm your registration. When you click on the link in the e-mail, you are confirming your account.

How can I create an account for MyHunkemöller?

Currently you cannot create an account for the My Hunkemöller loyalty program. This program is not applicable for this website. You can create a regular account on the Hunkemöller website. To create an account, you click on the bar in the top at 'log in' to go to the registration page. Do you not yet have an account? Under the header 'I am new' please fill in all the requested fields and accept the conditions. Pay attention: you will receive an e-mail to confirm your registration. When you click on the link in the e-mail, you are confirming your account.

Can I also use My Hunkemoller Member Account in other countries?

Yes, you can use your Membercard in other countries and by logging on to your Member account on the websites and apps. You can earn Passion Points and use shop credit and vouchers in shops in other countries and on the associated websites and apps of these countries. Check our store finder to see which countries Hunkemöller operates in. The advantages per level are the same.

I can't log in to my account, what can I do?

If you have trouble logging in, first check if you entered the correct email address. If you receive the message “Log in failed”, you may not have any account yet.

If you have forgotten your password, click on “Password forgotten?'' to receive your new password by email. Please note that receiving our promotional emails doesn’t necessarily means that you are a Member and have an account.

How do I change my address?

To change your password, log into your account. Go to “My addressbook” and click on “edit”. Once you have changed your billing and/or delivery address, click on “Save”. You can also add more delivery addresses.

How do I change my e-mailaddress?

To change your email address, log into your account. Go to “My profile” and under the heading Personal Details click on “edit”. Once you have entered or edited your email address, click on “Save”.

How do I change my password?

To change your password, log into your account. Go to “My profile” and under the heading 'personal details' click on “edit”. Once you’ve entered your old password and your new password, click on “Change password” to confirm.

How can I delete my account?


If you would like to delete, update, transfer or have access to your personal data, please use our contact form on the website:

1. Go to ‘contact’ and fill in the mandatory fields as well as your Membercardnumber

2. Choose subject ‘Data Privacy’

3. Send the form

We will get in contact with you within 30 days after your request. It is possible that we will ask you for further information.

Hunkemöller B.V. is committed to protecting your personal data. It’s your information, and we respect that. Our Privacy Policy gives you detailed information on when and why we collect your personal data, how we use it and how we keep it secure.

*Pay attention: when you have deleted your account, you cannot log in to your account anymore to see your personal data.

I would like to receive the Hunkemoller newsletter, what do I need to do?

Enter your email address in the bar at the bottom of the home page of the website and click on “subscribe to our newsletter”. You will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in this email to confirm your subscription.

It is also possible to subscribe to the newsletter using your account. Log into “My Hunkemöller”, click on 'My Profile' and click on 'edit' and check the box saying 'Via e-mail I want to stay in touch with the latest news of Hunkemöller'. Than click on 'Save'.

How long are Passion Points and shop credit valid for?

Your Member account doesn't expire, but your Member Points will expire after 6 years of inactivity on your account.
Passion Points will also expire if you have made no purchases in the last 365 days. You will be moved down to the previous points level (see also 'Can I drop levels?').

What level do Members start at?

A new member will start at the level of the number of points earned from their first purchase. This is usually Level 1 but can also be higher depending on the amount spent and the completeness of their profile when registering.

How do I know which level I'm on?

On the website and in the app you will be able to see how many points you have, which level you are in and how many points you need to reach the next level. This information will also be included in every newsletter, meaning you will always be up-to-date in terms of your Passion Points status. You will also receive a monthly overview of your available shop credit and vouchers! You can also check your balance in store when you scan your Membercard at the checkout.

How do I go up a level?

You can up a level and get access to more exclusive benefits by earning more Passion Points. For an up-to-date overview of the benefits of each level, see

My (Passion Points) balance has gone down. How did that happen and what happens next?

1) You have made no purchases at Hunkemöller within 365 days, meaning you will go down 1 level and your points balance will be adjusted to the number of points at the end of that level.

2) You have redeemed your Passion Points for a voucher.

3) You have returned a purchase, with the Passion Points earned from this purchase being deducted from your Member Account

Vouchers that you have earned from reaching a (higher) points balance will be removed from your account due to your lower points balance. The Shop Credit you have acquired will not be affected. If you return a purchase for which Shop Credit was used after dropping a level, this credit will be returned to your account.
Given that vouchers can only be used once, dropping a points level will not entitle you to vouchers available at a lower points balance if you have already received these vouchers.

Can I exchange Passion Points?

Yes. You can gain access to certain exclusive vouchers by redeeming your points. You will be able to use your vouchers once you have redeemed the relevant number of points.

I didn't receive Passion Point with my purchase, what to do?

When you do a purchase in store, your Passion Points balance will be updated within 24 hours after your purchase.

When you do a purchase online, your Passion Points balance will be updated after dispatch of your order, this can take a couple of days. You will receive an email about this. It may take one or two days before your Passion Points are credited to your Membercard. If they are still not credited after a few days, please send an email within 30 days after your purchase to our Customer Service Please make sure you mention your Membercard number, the order value and the number of your order/receipt – if purchased in store a copy of your receipt in the email.

If you have earned Passion Points in another way such as via Facebook, please include this in your email as well with a brief summary of the promotion and screenshots if available.

I've forgotten my phone/my phone's battery died/I don't have my Membercard with me but I still want to make a purchase in-store. Will I still be able to earn Passion Points?

Yes. If you can identify yourself at the checkout with a valid form of ID, the cashier will be able to look you up on our database and add the points to your balance.

I forgot to log in during my transaction but I would like to make a purchase on the Hunkemoller website. Will I still be able to earn Passion Points?

Yes, contact customer service to have your points added to your account.

When do I receive rewards such as Shop Credit and vouchers for the Passion Points I have saved up?

As a My Hunkemöller Member you can earn €5 shop credit at several moments. On other moments you will receive personal vouchers that you can use for discounts or to receive a gift or a reward. Your Passion Points, Vouchers and Shop Credit will be added to your Member account automatically. In store, on the website and in the app you always have a up to date overview of your saved Passion Points, your vouchers and your Shop Credit. You can use your Shop Credit and vouchers in store, in the app or in the webshop. The expiration date of a shop credit & vouchers can be found in the Member account.

How do I use my Shop Credit, discount code or voucher?

You can't redeem multiple vouchers as part of one purchase. You can use a maximum of 20 shop credit per order

Where can I redeem discount codes on the website or in the app?

You can enter and redeem your discount code in your shopping basket on the website and in the app. You will need to enter the code and click 'add'.

Are there any conditions for using shop credit, a discount code or a voucher?

You can't redeem multiple vouchers per order. You can only use maximum of 20eu shopcredit per order. You can find all the terms & conditions of a voucher in your account. 

How is the return amount determined if I return online and have used my Passion Points discount credit with my order?

Per item returned, a proportional amount will be refunded to your (digital) Membercard. This can take a few days to process.

Will I get my Shop Credit back if I return my order in part or in full online or in store and what will happen to my Passion Points?

Yes. When you return an item, the equivalent amount of Shop Credit returned per item will be refunded to your (online) Membercard. Points earned as a result of this purchase will be deducted from your Member account.

What happens to my used Shop Credit if I exchange all or part of my order in store and what happens to my Passion Points?

When you exchange an item, the redeemed Shop Credit per returned item will be deducted from the price of the exchanged item and will be included in the price of the new item. Passion Points earned during the order will be deducted from your Member account, while any Passion Points earned from the purchased of the new exchanged item will added back to your account. If you have used a discount voucher that you obtained through redeeming Passion Points, these points will not be returned to you and you will not be able to claim this voucher again. The discount you received per returned item will be deducted from the price of the exchanged item and added to the new item if the discount is still valid.

Will I get my voucher back if I return part/all of my order and what will happen to the Passion Points I redeemed to claim this voucher?

When you return your order in full in one or multiple parts, the vouchers used will be added back to your Member account as soon as the entire order has been returned. Any Passion Points that were redeemed for these vouchers will also be added back to your Member account.

If you do not return the whole order but just one or more items in the order, the vouchers used in your purchased will not be added back to your Member account. Any Passion Points redeemed for these vouchers will not be added back to your Member account.

Vouchers for gifts, services, prize competitions, invitations to events or free delivery will never be added back to your Member account after a full or partial return.

What happens to my used voucher if I exchange all or part of my order in store and what happens to my Passion Points?

When you exchange an item, the discount provided by the discount voucher when paying for an item will be deducted from the price of the exchanged item. Passion Points earned from this order will be deducted from your Member account, and Passion Points earned from the new exchanged item will be added to your balance. This does not apply to vouchers that offer gifts, services, competitions, invitations to events or free delivery.

How can I unsubsribe from the e-mail newsletter?

If you no longer want to receive our newsletter, click on the link at the bottom of the newsletter. You can also specify that you don’t want to receive the newsletter on your Hunkemöller account page.